Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Moovit, a very useful companion

Moovit, a free app on public transit has been my best companion when I travel around cities in Brazil. It works perfect in combination with your device's map and GPS functions. You need internet connection to get the specific info though. It's got public transit info of about 500 cities over 45 countires.

This free application can be installed in smartphones with Android, Windows or Mac OS. Just type the word from phone's Google Play, Windows store or AppStore or download from the official website.

Moovit in Android phone
Moovit in Winows OS phone
Moovit in Apple's OS

Myself tried this app extensively in Brazil both in Rio de Jeneiro and Sao Paulo states and it works pretty good. The timings shown is not accurate but you can easily find where to get the bus from your current location. It will locate the exact bus stop and bus number near you and will also calculate approximate time to reach your destination. Once the GPS enabled, you are tracked in the map and its handy when you don't know the exact bus stop to de-board the bus.
Very useful in Brazilian cities where city bus is the major public transit affair!

Will be nice if they allow you to store your directions offline and yet use the GPS in that offline maps. Then you can plan your trip with an available wifi and use it later. At present, you need a data plan to use it outside or else the routing will just stop working once offline.